Case study

Smarter treatment to reduce energy bills

Image of industrial laundry

The challenge

Spiralling energy prices present a real challenge for businesses of all sizes, on top of the already pressing need to become more sustainable. 

A UK laundry approached us to help them take back control of their energy and water use. They were using a mix of sulphites and phosphates, leading to a lot of avoidable inefficiencies and excess blowdown.

How GEMchem helped

After a thorough diagnostic assessment of the plant, we designed a treatment plan to reduce their environmental impact and cut costs. 

By switching to our Cetamine technology, we were able to increase the plant’s efficiency and reliability, incrementally refining the treatment plan in partnership.

The impact over one year

Gas icon
Electric icon



kWh of energy saving

Annual gas use

Water icon
Hand holding water drop icon



Litres of water saving

Annual water use

Energy saved icon


Worth of energy saved* 

*At the time of writing

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The environmental and economic benefits of Cetamine

Industrial boiler

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